The note I got.
St. Nicholas arrived in the Netherlands last Saturday so it was time to do the St. Nicholas lottery at school and so we did. We all had to write down on a piece of paper our name and what we all would like to have as a present at St. Nicholas on December 5
th. We also had to write down a few of our hobbies. All the notes were put in a little box and one by one we all had to take one note out of the box.
There are 24 children in my class and not one of us took its own paper out! The teacher told us that this was the first time it all went right at once! Last year she had to do it over and over again because there were children who took there own note out of the box.
My note was from a girl, her note you can see on the photo above. It was a bit difficult to read because it was written with a pencil and wasn’t very clear but I’ll managed to fix out what she wanted. She wants everything with a Labrador dog on it and her hobbies are tennis, swimming and hockey.
We have to buy a present for the one we’ve got the note from and have to make as we call a “surprise” around it. The package has to be camouflaged, and the gift must be accompanied by a fitting poem. (lots of fun on a day when people are not only allowed, but expected, to make fun of each other in a friendly way).
I thought it was nice to make a tennis court around the present, but Mom had a nicer idée. A pair of web foots she could swim with, very, very big ones! Than I’ll make a poem to it which says that she has to walk with the big foots on to the hall of the school and back to the class room before she can open her present! Yeehh…. that’s nice so I’ll have a subject to write about in my poem otherwise it’s difficult to come up with a subject, were do you have to write about?

The United States of America
This afternoon I worked on my essay again… America.. I searched on the internet to find how many States the United States of America has, 50 or 52? I could not find it… but is there anyone who could help me? Is there someone who knows how many States there are?
It’s late already I’ll have to go to bed… bye … see you tomorrow!