St. Martin's day!

Children in front of our house with the lantern.
Today we’ve got the lantern home from school for the celebration of St. Martin’s day tonight. I didn’t walk anymore this year, it’s only for little children, so I put my lantern at the front door, that was a beautiful sight! I stood at the door and gave the children a toy or a candy what ever they wanted.
15 minutes to 6 it was suddenly very crowded in front of our house. The little children from my school were there with there teachers to get a candy at Jasper’s home, Jasper's Mother does that every year for the little children of our school. It was a great few from our home to see at least 70 children with there lantern in the dark on our square in front of our house…

My lantern at the front door!

The basket with toys and candy

Shannon and Dewi singing there song at my door for a candy...
my mother watches tic tac
my father watches sesame street
isn’t that worth a candy…

Maureen and Rebecca singing at my door...
St. Martin, St. Martin
the cows they have a tail,
the girls they have a skirt,
there is St. Martin coming to you
I liked it this year giving the children candy and toys… most children liked the toys more than the candy… it’s almost 8 o’clock I don’t think that there will be coming more children…. So I’ll go upstairs and build a new Lego house.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, I have my first real bowling tournament … and afterwards we’ll have to go to Dewi and Jim’s birthday tomorrow and we have the neighbor dinner club tomorrow night, its Dads turn to cook!
Bye …see you tomorrow!
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