This is the way he goes on vacation….
This morning I had to go to the orthodontist in Amsterdam before I had to go to school. I had to go there because they wanted to make a gyps model of my teeth. They made it with pink gyps that tasted like bilberries and peppermint. I really had a mouth full of rubbish! It felt like the pink rubbish came right out of my nose…
They will see now what kind of a brace I’ll get. But that will last 2 months before I’ll hear from them. They have to think about that very long don’t you think?
After my gypsum adventure I have gone to school and I had to do 2 tests today, Dutch language and history....... But now its weekend and tomorrow I’ll go to my bowling training, that’s great.
Tomorrow Granddad and Grandma will come back from Spain, their holidays are over. Grandpa Frans is leaving tomorrow to the south France and Spain. He goes along with Uncle John and Aunt Hanneke by camper.... exciting! It seems so exciting to go on vacation by camper, so cool, you’re always having your home with you!
Granddad, Uncle John and Aunt Hanneke.... I wish you a very nice time and enjoy yourselves! Bye!
Perhaps you can respond on my Blog sometimes when you are on your way? Simply put it at the comments of my blog at "je reaktie graag hier!" This little sentence is under every piece I write every day. (on the Dutch version of my Blog!)
Don’t forget to type the Word Verification, I mean the oddly characters otherwise your comment won’t be seen.
These days a lot of campgrounds have computers with Internet. This summer vacation we had almost every day a computer with internet on it. Just hope you will respond some time on my blog, I love to hear how you all are doing…..Bye!
Go upstairs... bye…see you tomorrow!