Friday, September 15, 2006

The Big Club Action!

Thank you cards from the Big Club Action which I'll have to give all the people who buy my lottery-tickets...

Tonight I have been to my first trumpet lesson this season. There they had the brochures ready to take home concerning the Big Club action. Everyone from my team got a brochure to take home. In it there is everything we need to sell the lottery-tickets. We now need to go by all our neighbors, friends and families to sell those lottery-tickets. Those tickets will cost €2,50 and €2, - - from that is for my own club. So then my club the Showband Prins Willem Alexander can buy new instruments from the money we all collected. I also borrowed my trumpet from the club and if it might break I’ll get another trumpet which is bought from the lottery money. I’ll think it’s a great action, we’ll get new instruments and the people who buy the lottery-tickets can win nice prices!

At first the people must register at a list which I’ll give them and then a couple of weeks later I bring the lottery-ticket which they actually have to pay then. Mom registered immediately for the first lottery-ticket and then I went to Grandpa and Grandma and they registered immediately for second lottery-ticket. After that I went to Piet our neighbor and he registered for 2 lottery-tickets, that’s cool eh?

The trumpet lesson was very nice we got a new part from our teacher, we have to play, a very cool one now, "The final Countdown". Quite difficult but I will study really every day now!

I’ll stop blogging now; I want to play a little part from the new music we got tonight for Mom! Bye…see you tomorrow!


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