Bad weather!

Rain....rain and more rain... and cold.....
The weather here is really terribly annoying. Since we returned home last Sunday night the weather is terrible here. It’s cold and it’s raining all the time. We only slept every day till late, did some shopping and stayed inside. Bo doesn’t understand it at all, why he can’t play in the garden. From time to time he escapes by the backdoor and starts to play in the wet grass with his ball. Then he turns soaking wet and I have to dry him up with a towel all the time.
At this time he is lying on a bench in front of the window and is looking outside and looks pretty sad…, as if he is thinking “why can’t I play outside?“ Yes Bo we all have to remain inside and so do you! I do hope the weather will be better next week, it’s so boring this way, holidays and rain…....
In a few minutes I will go and watch TV the Tour de France will be on it’s the last day, exciting man! Bye …see you later!
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