Early summer fair in our village!
Fire brigade in our village.....
This morning we have been to the village centre because there was the yearly pre summer fair. All sorts of stands in which they sold al sorts of goods, also the fire brigade had an open day. On the big square in the village centre all fire brigade carages were there and there were also fire brigade men who showed how you have to extinguish a fire.
Extinguishing a fire with the fire brigade… Here are all the fire brigade carages....
It was a nice fair, I also have bought a beautiful crystal with a soccer player in it (piece of glass in which they made a picture of a soccer player in it by a laser machine). I collect those crystal pieces I have about 14 pieces of them right now, they are so cool man!
Here Dad and I are examining everything pretty well...
Tonight we had meat from the barbecue for dinner. We also had asparagus with ham and eggs....mmmmm that is so delicious. These asparagus were extra nice they were given to Dad by someone from work who had bought them especially in Limburg those are the finest ones you can get they are so very delicious, really the best you can get……… mmmmmm!
Here are Dad and I really enjoying dinner…
Go and play outside for awhile, everyone is still outside at the little square… bye…. see you later!
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