Friday, June 30, 2006

Sporting day and Summer party!

Our Dream-team, Gaandeweg /Kinheim school with the trophy we just won.....

This morning we left early to the Haarlemmermeerse forest with the groups 7 and 8 from our school to have a sporting day with other schools, so we all wanted to win the Haarlemmermeerse 1st price, a very big trophy! I was in a team with a couple children from my class and a couple children from group 8 and Dad was our coach.

Ashlyn to the ball in the hockey game....

We won all the games from baseball to handball and football except for the game 4 man on 2 skies. It went so cool man! We really had a dream team, everything went so well!

All of us ski-walking..... At the end of the day we got the first price (of the 25 teams from the Haarlemmermeer) really so great man! After that we went to the Summer party at the school yard. There it was already very busy. You could do all sorts of games and there were children who participated to a playback show. There also was a lot of nice food..... The party was very cool this year.........

Playbackshow from group 8

The schoolyard with a big crowd ......

Go to bed....see you tomorrow!


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