Wednesday, February 15, 2006

All the birds must be inside!

Bird flu now in Germany...

Today was on the news that all the birds and chickens in the Netherlands have to be in a poultry house now, because the bird flu is spreading now over Europe (is now in Turkey, Austria, Italy) and is also found by dead swans in Germany.

Poultry obligation they call it…. Aaach... how about that chicken at Dad’s work that comes by for food every day? That chicken doesn’t belong to anyone so doesn’t have a home or place to stay? He also has to be inside by next week what will happen with him? Ooohhh… so sad…, however I’m curious what will happen with that chicken...

The Dutch man’s skating team!

This afternoon and tonight I watched the Dutch skating team pursuit. The Dutch reached the half finals, that’s so cool man! It’s very exciting to see those teams competing against each other ……Tomorrow will be another exciting skating day!

Go upstairs and watch some TV …..bye … see you tomorrow!


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