Friday, October 21, 2005

Tonight Magic at school!

Picture: Franka looks like a real witch.....

This afternoon there was the books market al last! For lunch I went home with Mark and we went back to school with al the books and the lucky Box. We sold a lot of books together we had about €9, -- I bought myself 2 books one football book and one named Pietje Bell.
Mom came to school so we could carry al the books back home. I had only 10 little books left and on the playground a boy asked me if I had any books left, so I sold him a few. More kids came up to me and so I sold more books. Mom was so ashamed by me selling the books on the playground in front of the school, she did not like me doing that. Every time I shouted “Books for sale” she asked my to come home. I didn’t understand why she wanted me home, I sold al my books and earned €5, -- with it, that’s great isn’t it?

Tonight at half passed 6 we and our parents had to be at school for the final of the books project called Magic. We decorated the classroom this afternoon with al spiders we made ourselves, bats, witches and we had burning candles and it was dark like hell in the classroom … cool and very scary! At seven o’clock we had to go the mean hall of the school for the prices which were given for the one who wrote the best story. The golden pen! It was a great evening. On the right side of my blog you find a link under my foto– albums there is an album of tonight’s event at school. See : 20-10-2005 Magie op school.
Tomorrow is our last day at school so we have the autumn vacation for a week. Monday were going away for a few days to the east part of the Netherlands and Tuesday we’ll go to Zwolle where the Lego event is… that’s so cool!
Now it’s time to go to bed…. Bye… see you tomorrow!


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